Promoted to higher position at work
Hi, my name is Carla. I was having issues in my workplace. I am a good employee and fully qualified. I have been seeking promotion for years, but it was always given to someone else, who was even a rank lower than my position. I called Bishop Stephen Irie and he prayed for me over the phone, instructing me to fast for three days and turn up for work and apply for the promotion again. This is exactly what I did, and today I am happy, as I have been offered the position with even unexpected benefits. God is good!
Healed from HIV/AIDS
Through NDM PrayerCAMP Deliverance Water
I came to the Lord Jesus from a Muslim background. One day I was feeling so weak in my body that I had to go through several blood tests at the local hospital. After the tests, I was diagnosed with HIV Positive. I made up my mind and locked myself indoor; I wanted to commit suicide, until that day when I had a phone call from Stephen Irie. I told him what I was going through; he prayed for me over the phone and told me to go to the same hospital for another test. I went for the test and the same test centre told me they were sorry for their mistake, they could not see any trace HIV positive in me. I have the two letters, one positive and one negative.
Praise be to our God in the name of Jesus. Brother L.
After 6 years of unemployment, I just got the job!
Through the NDM PrayerCamp service
My name is Zin. I tried for 6 years finding a job of my dream to no avail. I heard about the NDM services, especially the PrayerCAMP so I joined them. In the same week I was offered a job at a place not far from where I live but on probation. Just before the end of my probation period, I fasted as directed by the bishop Stephen Irie, he then prayed for me. The following day I received a call from the work place offering me the job have always wanted to do.
Praise God, our God is good.
Immigration status settled.
Through the NDM Fridays PrayerCamp service
The Bible said: Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. Josh 1:3 (KJV). Here at the NDM, we stand on this verse to help our brothers and sisters get their immigration documents. Every month we have at least a testimony on immigration issues. Our last amazing testimonies were two people becoming British citizen the same day. No matter what your case is, just come in for prayer and your life shall never be the same.
Praise be to our God in the name of Jesus. NDM.
Healed from cancer
NDM PrayerCAMP Deliverance Water
I am so happy for the manifestation of God’s hands in my life. I was diagnosed with cancer, as we all know there is really not cure for the cancer. I watched the NDM PrayerCAMP TV programme called “The Yoke Shall Be Broken”. I got in touch with the man of God Stephen Irie, he gave me a telephone appointment for prayer. I called him on Sunday during their normal service, he put me on loud speaker amplified through the PA system, He prayed for me with his team of warriors and the whole congregation. The next day was my appointment day for the final test; as I turn up and went through all the test, the doctor came to me after few hours and told me “we cannot find any trace of cancer in your system”.
Praise be to God, Sister Charlotte.
Deaf hear opened
Healed over the phone from Newcastle UK
Distance is not a barrier, Stephen Irie and his team (warriors) prayed for me and my family. Stephen spoke to my 8 years old son who was deaf. As he began to speak in his hear the name of Jesus, my boy said mom I can hear louder. Praise be to God me and my house are delivered.
Family Kh.
Delivered from delaying demons
Through NDM PrayerCAMP on Sunday
I came to the Lord Jesus from a Muslim background. One day I was feeling so weak in my body that I had to go through several blood tests at the local hospital. After the tests, I was diagnosed with HIV Positive. I made up my mind and locked myself indoor; I wanted to commit suicide, until that day when I had a phone call from Stephen Irie. I told him what I was going through; he prayed for me over the phone and told me to go to the same hospital for another test. I went for the test and the same test centre told me they were sorry for their mistake, they could not see any trace HIV positive in me. I have the two letters, one positive and one negative.
Praise be to our God in the name of Jesus. Brother L.
Delivered from 18 demons
Through NDM Sunday worship service
After a long period of repeated failure at all stage I concluded that my case wasn’t just physical; there was something in the spiritual realm behind it. I looked for deliverance all over UK to no avail, I went to deliverance services to no better outcome, until one Tuesday when I saw Bishop Stephen Irie on Olive TV Sky Channel 594. He gave a short message live on TV and gave some prophecies for the viewers. I found myself into the words of his prophecies. After the broadcast I called him, he then prayed for me and gave me directions to attend the PrayerCAMP service for my deliverance. I went for the first time, the demons in me refused to come at once. He told me to come back another time that he arrested the demons until they are cast out. When I came the second time, He gave me the NDM PrayerCAMP Anointed Water, as a touched it I felt fire all over me, I don’t know what happened next since I fall down under the Spirit. Stephen Irie challenged the demons out of me and declared me free. That night, I went home and slept like a baby, something I could not do before. I use to go through a series of nightmares throughout every night. The Monday following, I was able to secure an internship place; something I was unable to get in the past.
Praise be to God I am delivered, Sister Ca.